AquĆ­ les dejamos los links a algunas de nuestras publicaciones

Snoddy et al. 2017

Scurvy at the agricultural transition in the Atacama desert (ca 3600ā€“3200 BP): nutritional stress at the maternal-foetal interface?

De Porras et al. 2017

Late Quaternary environmental dynamics in the Atacama Desert reconstructed from rodent midden pollen records

GuĆ­a PrĆ”ctica de Arte Rupestre de la RegiĆ³n de TarapacĆ”


Santana-Sagredo et al. 2017

Paired Radiocarbon Dating on Human Samples and Camelid Fibers and Textiles from Northern Chile: The Case of Pica 8 (TarapacĆ”)

Disspain et al. 2017

Pre-Columbian Fishing on the Coast of the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: An Investigation of Fish Size and Species Distribution Using Otoliths From Camarones Punta Norte and Caleta Vitor

McRostie et al. 2017

The pre-Columbian introduction and dispersal of Algarrobo (Prosopis, Section Algarobia) in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile

Osorio et al. 2017

Hunter-Gatherer Mobility Strategies in the High Andes of northern Chile during the late Pleistocene-early Holocene Transition (c. 11,500-9,500 cal yr B.P.)

Burguer et al. 2017

Extra-metabolic energy use and the rise in human hyper-density

Clarkson et al. 2017

Worldwide Network for Comparative Studies on Caravans: Past, Present and Future

Standen et al. 2017

Hunting, Gathering, and Fishing on the Coast of the Atacama Desert: Chinchorro Population Mobility Patterns Inferred from Strontium Isotopes

Joly et al. 2016

Fuel management and colonization of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile, during the pleistocene-holocene transition

Lima et al. 2016

Coupled Socio-Environmental Changes Triggered Indigenous Aymara Depopulation of the Semiarid Andes of TarapacĆ”-Chile during the Late 19th-20th Centuries

QuiƱinao et al. 2016

A Microscopic Spiking Neuronal Network for the Age-Structured Model

Santoro et al. 2016

Continuities and discontinuities in the socio-environmental systems of the Atacama Desert during the last 13,000 years

Capriles et al. 2016

High-altitude adaptation and late Pleistocene foraging in the Bolivian Andes

Carter et al. 2016

South American mummy trafficking: Captain Duniamā€™s nineteenth-century worldwide enterprises

Castro et al. 2016

Ocupaciones Arcaicas y Probables Evidencias de NavegaciĆ³n Temprana en la Costa Arreica de Antofagasta, Chile

Disspain et al. 2016

Pre-Columbian Fishing on the Coast of the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: An Investigation of Fish Size and Species Distribution Using Otoliths From Camarones Punta Norte and Caleta Vitor

Llamas et al. 2016

Ancient mitochondrial DNA provides high-resolution time scale of the peopling of the Americas

Veit et al. 2016

Palaeo-geoecological significance of Pleistocene trees in the Lluta Valley, Atacama Desert

Maldonado et al. 2016

Climate change and social complexity in the Atacama Desert during the Late Quaternary

Williams et al. 2016

Instrumental neutron activation analysis of Inka and local pottery from northern Chile's Atacama Desert

Flores et al. 2015

Avistamientos de Cinclus schulzi en la Cordillera de Sama, Bolivia

Bland et al. 2016

1500 Years of Pottery: Neutron Activation Analysis of Northern Chilean Domestic Ceramics from Caleta Vitor and Clay Samples from Nearby Valley, Coast and Highland Contexts

Capriles et al. 2016

High-altitude adaptation and late Pleistocene foraging in the Bolivian Andes

Capriles et al. 2016

Harsh Environments and the Terminal Pleistocene Peopling of the Andean Highlands

Miesen, Porras y Maldonado 2015

Pollen morphology of Cactaceae in Northern Chile

De Porras et al. 2015

Calibrating the pollen signal in modern rodent middens from northern Chile to improve the interpretation of the late Quaternarymidden record

Mammoth Trumpet

The Archaeology of Mars-on-Earth

Valenzuela et al. 2015

Consumption of animals beyond diet in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile (13,000ā€“410 BP): Comparing rock art motifs and archaeofaunal records

GuĆ­a pedagĆ³gica para la gestiĆ³n sustentable del agua de niebla

Iniciativa financiada por el Gobierno Regional de Arica y Parinacota, a travĆ©s del Fondo de InnovaciĆ³n para la Competitividad FIC-R 2022

Proyecto FIC ā€œTransferencia TecnolĆ³gica Social basada en la CaptaciĆ³n de Agua Niebla para Zonas Rezagadas: Un pilotaje de Atrapanieblasā€ CĆ³digo BIP 40047044

GuĆ­a pedagĆ³gica para el uso sustentable del agua de niebla_compressed